Sunday, May 15, 2011


One more reason why I love my mailman(lady). She brings me fun things in the mail!

I was at Amazon the other day looking for one of these... While I was in there I went ahead and ordered my shiny new pizza wheel. I go through pizza cutters like they're going out of style. Wheels are always falling off, so I was whining about it on Facebook one night and Donna recommended the Pizza Wheel. Well, it was sitting in my box when I checked the mail today and I can't wait to make pizza this week. It was super cheap and looks really sturdy. I'm going to be HIGHLY disappointed if this thing falls apart too. I also picked up this cookbook that must have been sitting in my shopping cart for a LONG time because I haven't been on Amazon in forever. I'm not too sure about it because it seems to use a lot of short-cut ingredients but I'm sure I can find one or two things in there that taste good and for $10 that's a steal. With Mr. Pickypants as a husband that's going to be a challenge.
Over all though it's been a nice weekend.
Yesterday morning (Saturday) I got up bright and early and headed out to downtown Phoenix for a Beauty Control class. Sandra is a consultant and signed me up as a seller. I have no intentions of ever selling but it's a sweet discount and if I went to this class I got a $99 microdermabrasion kit for FREE. Then Gary and I went out to eat at The Parlor. The Parlor is a swanky pizza joint in Tempe. We both ended up eating one of their fantastic salads instead. Mom, next time you're out here remind me to take you there. You'd love it. Really good food. THEN after that Gary and I headed to Melia's house to hang out with her and Riley. Hadn't planned on staying all that long. I just needed to drop something off but they're such great company it ended up being a while. I took advantage of Melia's great photo taking skills and had her snap a few pictures of me and Gary. She got some with her totally fabulous camera which I don't have yet (no hurry lady!!) and I had her take one with my camera so that I could put it on Facebook/Flickr and HERE!
I love it. I hate pictures of me but as far as they go this one turned out great in my opinion. We haven't had pictures taken of each other since .. December '02 (and it was horrible) and then a few here and there with my arm stretched out as far as I could get it.. you know those kind. I saw the ones she took and they're fantastic. I can't wait to get them to print them out and put them in frames! :)

That's enough rambling for one day. My goal is to update with something other than recipes at least once a week. This one has been excruciating because I spilled Pepsi on my keyboard this morning and as it dries my keys are getting stickier and stickier. It might be time to nag that handsome man up there for a new one.. *hint hint*
I bought him a really really nice one for our anniversary last year (the craptastic one) and so I think it's my turn right?!?!

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